

The minimum donation for Baptism is $150 per baptismal candidate if the Baptism occurs at Sunday Mass or at a private service (family and invited guests only).

We do not require anyone to attend any classes for baptism. However, pastoral instruction is available upon request. The Godparents can be any baptized person over 16.

We have three options available for Baptism:

  1. Baptism at our 10:30 AM Sunday Sung Mass, which will always include music and is live-streamed on the internet. This option requires 3 weeks’ notice and a meeting sometime during the week before the selected Sunday to rehearse the ceremony. Prior to the meeting, the church furnishes the customized service booklet to the family. The service booklet has all the words and all the music. This option is available for all Sundays except during Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas), during Lent (6 Sundays before Easter), and Easter Sunday morning. There is no additional charge for music if the baptism is at our Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. The service can be English only or bilingual Spanish/English.
  2. Baptism as a private service (family and invited guests only), with or without music. This is usually done on a Saturday (but can be done Monday-Friday), any time during the day or early evening. This option requires 3 weeks’ notice and a meeting sometime before the selected date to rehearse the ceremony. Prior to the meeting, the church furnishes the customized service booklet to the family. The service booklet has all the words and all the music (if any). This option is available at any time, except during Holy Week, although we do baptize at Easter Vigil, the night before Easter Sunday morning. If the family wants music at a separate service, it will be necessary to pay our musicians in cash at least a day before the service. The rate for a Cantor plus a pianist is $250. If a full choir is desired, the cost is $750. The service can be English only or bilingual Spanish/English.
  3. Emergency Baptism at the church on 24 hours’ notice. This is a barebones ceremony with no music that takes about 15 minutes maximum. It is generally used when there is a confidentiality concern, or there is a need for the baptism to be done quickly. Emergency Baptisms are in English.

If the family desires to hold a reception at the church, the family brings its own refreshments and snacks.

At the end of the ceremony, the church furnishes a Baptismal Certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism

Baptism is a Sacrament, an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. The outward and visible sign of Baptism is pouring of, or immersion in, water with the words, “[Name], I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The inward and spiritual grace of Baptism is dying to sin and arising in Christ Jesus.
In Baptism, we become a member of Christ, a Child of God, and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Baptism initiates us into the Church community and begins our journey towards becoming one with God.
At baptism, the candidate enters into the Baptismal Covenant, affirming faith in God the Creator, Jesus the Incarnate Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as Sanctifier. The candidate promises to continue in the teaching of the Apostles in fellowship in prayers and breaking of bread, to persevere in resisting evil, to repent and return to the Lord if one sins, to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving one’s neighbor as oneself, to strive for justice and peace, and to respect the human dignity of all persons.
Sunday Mass with Baptism is typically about an hour and ten minutes. A private Baptism service is about thirty-five to forty minutes. Bilingual services are somewhat longer. An emergency Baptism service, which is done only in exigent situations, takes about fifteen minutes or less.
Absolutely! Saint Cecilia's does not discriminate based on the immutable and harmless characteristic that is sexual orientation. We do not subscribe to the invidious discrimination that has for so long unfairly withheld the Sacraments from the faithful, and we cannot hold that such a result has ever been ordained by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer.
Our baptisms are valid as are all baptisms invoking the proper form and intent. Our baptisms are performed by clergy validly ordained in the Apostolic Succession. Within the Catholic tradition, all baptisms with the proper form and intent are valid.
It is never too early. Many families start planning for the baptism while they are pregnant.
Babies can be baptized as soon as they are born. The Church encourages families to baptize their children as soon as possible.
A person of any age can be baptized. For adults, our custom is for the candidate to meet with the Pastor or other clergy. If a child is over seven years of age or is able to read, we encourage the parents to talk to the pastor about instructing the child on the meaning of baptism. For minor children, the clergy conduct instructional meetings with a child only when at least one of the parents, or another responsible adult, is present. Our clergy do not meet one-on-one with minors, ever.
No. Baptism can only be done once. If a person has been baptized in another faith tradition where they use the Trinitarian formula of water and (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit) it is recognized as a valid baptism. However, if there is some doubt about whether a previous baptism occurred or was valid, we will baptize the candidate conditionally. Be sure and contact us as each individual situation may be different.
The Baptism Certificate will reflect the same information that is on the Birth Certificate.
The role of a godparent is to set a good Christian example for your child and encourage your child in their faith journey. It is not an honorary title. Godparents serve a special role and must be selected carefully.
To have Godparents is not a requirement. A candidate may be baptized without them. Typically, a child has two Godparents, but sometimes one. Occasionally, there may be more than two.
An adult, that is, a person over 18 years of age, may have a sponsor to present her or him for Baptism, but this is not required.
A Godparent must be a baptized person at least sixteen years of age. There are no other requirements.
No. However, the parents and/or Godparents may arrange a meeting with the Pastor or other member of the clergy for instruction and information about Baptism. We prefer a meeting with the Pastor on a day before the baptism to plan the ceremony.
No. An infant or child may be presented for Baptism by any adult responsible for the child’s welfare, including, but not limited to, legal guardians and grandparents.
We always celebrate Mass as part of the Baptismal event.
Yes. However, the family is responsible for paying the musician fees, which must be paid in cash in advance. If the Baptism is at our Sunday morning Mass, the music is free!