News And Announcements

WORSHIP SPACE EXPANSION: Saint Cecilia Catholic Community now worships in Suite 2 immediately next door accommodating up to 75 people.Ā  The space includes medical-grade air purification equipment. Masks are voluntary. The new church features improved acoustics for music. Bishop Armando will be with us on April 30 to consecrate it with other ECC clergy and those of other denominations attending.

Diocese & Bishop: Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is a parish of the Diocese of California, Ecumenical Catholic Communion. Our Diocesan Bishop is the Rt. Rev. Armando Leyva.

Rev. Sharon Kay Talley is the Parish Deacon and is responsible for all lay ministries, including readers, ushers, coffee hour, and altar guild.

Julie Cline Williamson, MBA, is our Finance Minister (aka Treasurer)

Raul R. Valenzuela is our Cantor & Choirmaster

Pedro OrozcoĀ is our Facilities Minister (aka Sexton) and Videographer

Children, both canine and human, are welcome at Mass. Barking dogs and crying children are part of real life.

Food Donations for people and dogs (nonperishable) are always welcome as are clothes and toiletries. We give to Well in the Desert, My Best Friend’s Closet, and Angel View.

Weekday Mass is as announced.